Mongolia From The Air – Aerial Photos of Mongolia

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Mongolia From The Air – Aerial Photos of Mongolia

I have a confession to make. I can lose hours looking at aerial photography. The unique perspective it gives. The way the world feels different when viewed from above. It always gives me a newfound appreciation for our world.

Aerial Photograph approaching Ulaanbaatar

IMage: Ulaanbaatar by Tomfong on Flickr

Naturally, I have hunted out aerial photography images of Mongolia and dedicated a large amount of time to researching drone footage of Mongolia’s sweeping landforms. It’s a terrain I know very well but when I see it from above, it gives me a completely new perspective about the country.

Aerial Photograph of Ulaanbaatar and frozen river

A frozen river and urban habitation on the outside of Mongolia’s capital city – Ulaanbaatar. Image by Reuters

This blog post is completely selfish, as it just showcases some of my favourite aerial images of Mongolia that I have discovered. It might not benefit you in anyway, but spending a little time seeing a bird’s eye view of the immensity of Mongolia and her wide-sweeping landscapes will certainly add to your day.

Aerial Photograph of livestock herd in Mongolia

Image: Yann Arthus–Bertrand for his non-profit organisation created `to raise people’s awareness on sustainable development concerns.’ Yann Arthus-Bertrand is considered one of the most celebrated aerial photographers.


Aerial Photograph of mountains in Mongolia

Image: Yann Arthus–Bertrand for his non-profit organisation created `to raise people’s awareness on sustainable development concerns.’ Yann Arthus-Bertrand is considered one of the most celebrated aerial photographers.

‘From the air Mongolia looks like God’s preliminary sketch for earth, not so much a country as the ingredients out of which countries are made: grass, rock, water and wind.’  Stanley Stewart, In the Empire of Genghis Khan
Aerial Photograph of Mongolian river

Immense river valleys. Image Midkhat Izmaylov/Shutterstock

Aerial Photograph of Ulaanbaatar

Sukhbaatar Square in central Ulaanbaatar. Image by Andrea Fazzari


Aerial Photograph of Mongolian steppe

Aerial view of the Mongolian steppes which comprise the largest expanse of unspoiled grassland in the world.Image by Chris Pague. Senior Conservation Ecologist, The Nature Conservancy


Aerial Photograph of steppe in Mongolia

Image: Pilot Mark Vanhoenacker –


‘I have never been to Mongolia, but I’ve flown over it a number of times – normally in the last few hours of a flight to Beijing – and it is just amazing. It’s these tawny-rolling hills; there’s often snow in the valleys, even in summer. You barely see a road… you just have this amazing landscape, and every time I fly over it, I think that has to be my next holiday.’ Mark Vanhoenacker


If you’re inspired to visit Mongolia (and you should be as it is spectacular), then why not look at the range of  Mongolia holidays and small group tours that we offer? Mongolia will not disappoint. 

Jessica Brooks
Jessica Brooks
I'm Jess Brooks, the founder of Eternal Landscapes Mongolia and the voice behind EL's blog posts. For more than a decade, since 2006, I've been based in Mongolia, working closely with my beloved Mongolian team to advocate for a tourism approach that brings about positive change.. What sets our blog apart is our deep understanding of Mongolia—our home. Unlike content from influencers or creators, our posts prioritise authenticity and firsthand knowledge as guiding principles.
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