Chinggis Khan Equestrian Statue – Mongolia

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Chinggis Khan Equestrian Statue – Mongolia

Why this post about the  Chinggis Khan Equestrian Statue? Because some of our guests ask about how authentic the experience is. So here’s a quick introduction.

Chinggis Khan Equestrian Statue – What To Expect

A 131 ft high stainless steel statue of Chinggis Khan located 54km from Ulaanbaatar. That doesn’t really get across the epic size of the statue so here you go …

The 131ft high Chinggis Khan Equestrian Statue, Mongolia

The Chinggis Khan Equestrian Statue through the eyes and lens of our guest Séverine Baptiste-Blacnchart

The complex was designed by Mongolian sculptor D. Erdenebileg and Mongolian architect J. Enkhjargal and was the brainchild of the  Mongolian Genco company.

What’s There

  • A view. You take the lift (stairs are available for the exercise conscious) and walk to the head of the horse. The statue significantly faces east towards his place of birth in Khentii Aimag and the landscapes unfold before you.
The views surrounding the Chinggis Khan Equestrian Statue in Mongolia

The Chinggis Khan Equestrian Statue and its surrounding landscapes through the eyes and lens of our guest Tristan Clements

  • The statue is said to represent the power and courage of Chinggis Khan and is also said to be located at the site where he found the golden whip that inspired his future conquests. One legend states that he found the golden whip when he was travelling to the Khereid tribe to ask for help. Chinggis felt that finding the whip was a message from Tenger (the god of the Eternal Blue Sky) and it motivated him to achieve his wish of becoming ruler of the Mongol tribes.
  • On arrival, you’ll be greeted by the entrance gate to the complex – decorated with statues of the nine generals (noyons) of Chinggis Khan – including that of Subedei, Jebe, and Mukhali.
  • The base of the complex is made up of  36 columns of the visitor centre – said to represent the 36 great khans from Chinggis to Ligdan Khan.


For those in Ulaanbaatar – Mongolia’s capital city – take time to visit the new Chinggis Khaan Museum (link) – part of the newly established Chinggis Khaan Heritage and Cultural Institute which is responsible for promoting the legacy of Chinggis Khaan. The museum is a non-profit cultural, educational and scientific institute. It is hoped that the museum will help to revive nationalism and make the younger generation aware and proud of the country’s history and heritage.


Why Visit

  • The museum within the visitor centre is worth a look – with exhibitions relating to the Bronze Age and Hunnu cultures as well as the 12th and 13th centuries.
  • But, don’t take it all too seriously and go and try on a variety of traditional costumes on offer … if nothing else, it will make you realise the weight of the clothing items that Mongolians used to traditionally wear.
  • Have your photo taken next to the big boot. Apparently, it is the world’s largest traditional boot. Even if it isn’t, it is still a very big boot!
  • Take a picnic and eat it by the river and hang out with local Mongolian families doing the same thing. Although, lead by example and take your rubbish back with you.
  • En-route, stop at the roadside stands and try the airag (fermented mare’s milk) and other local products on offer. Yes, you might want a more ‘authentic’ experience trying it in a family ger but local Mongolians from Ulaanbaatar will be doing the same as you – trying the local products on offer and connecting with their culture. Join them.

The monumental (131ft high) stainless statue of Chinggis Khan at Tsonjin Boldog - Tuv Aimag, Mongolia


We can arrange a stand-alone visit or include it in a longer Mongolia trip experience such as our Terelj Homestay Experience. After all, this is a face that helped to shape history. Do get in touch for more details.

Jess @ Eternal Landscapes

Jessica Brooks
Jessica Brooks
I'm Jess Brooks, the founder of Eternal Landscapes Mongolia and the voice behind EL's blog posts. For almost two decades, since 2006, I've been based in Mongolia, working closely with my beloved Mongolian team to advocate for a tourism approach that brings about positive change.. What sets our blog apart is our deep understanding of Mongolia—our home. Unlike content from influencers or creators, our posts prioritise authenticity and firsthand knowledge as guiding principles.