Carbon Measurement For International Flights To Mongolia

Air travel has a massive carbon footprint. The effects of the climate emergency caused by carbon emissions threaten the landscapes and communities which we, as responsible travellers, so keenly wish to experience and contribute to.

As a tourism business – especially one working in Mongolia, a country where a majority of our guests have no option but to fly to – we have a moral responsibility to make sure the way we work is as sustainable as possible which is why we are managing our carbon footprint as part of our climate action plan. Part of this plan includes carbon offsetting.

Although carbon offsets are far from imperfect and don’t tackle the real issue the world faces – to reduce emissions – they do make a difference.

As one example of how we’re using carbon offsets, emissions per kilometer for domestic flights are always much higher because such a large proportion of the flight is spent taking off and landing. With this in mind, as a company, we calculate the offset for all domestic flights used by our guests and team, paying the offset to buy Plan Vivo Foundation carbon certificates which are used to support the only Mongolian carbon project, the Plan Vivo Mongolian Nomad Project – working in partnership with the Mongolian Society of Range Management.  It’s the first project of its kind in Mongolia – restoring traditional nomadic practices to enable ecosystem recovery and carbon uptake. It is an independently verified project that takes carbon out of the earth’s atmosphere using the natural powers of local communities.

We have partnered with C-Level and they have created a carbon calculator for EL.  Using C-Level you can balance your flight, offset a set amount of CO2 including your annual carbon footprint or just donate to support the work of the Mongolian Nomad Project.

Your payment will be invested in Plan Vivo Certificates  – environmental service certificates, each representing the reduction or avoidance of one metric tonne of carbon dioxide. The Mongolian Nomad Project is of Plan Vivo Standard –  based on ethical principles intended to deliver long-term climate, livelihoods and biodiversity benefits. 

C-Level  are a B Corp Certified business with the single purpose of working with individuals and businesses to achieve carbon level impact through the combined natural powers of both ecosystems and communities. They are also corporate members of 1% For The Planet, meaning they give 1% of their turnover to 1% member charities. C-Level support the Mongolian Nomad Project.

For more details get in touch with

The Carbon Efficiency Of Your International Flight to Mongolia

  • Of the six airlines (2019) that currently fly into Ulaanbaatar (ULN), four are listed. This link will take you to the airlines that fly into Ulaanbaatar (ULN) –
  • On the listing, A class is the most fuel efficient airline who has reduced their carbon emissions the most. * Note, none of the 200 airlines reached A band in 2018.
  • The airlines in G class are the worst performing and therefore the most polluting.
  • This is the 2018 index in full (link) but below are the details of the airlines flying into Ulaanbaatar (ULN).
Airline Overall Rank Efficiency Class
Air China (via Beijing – PEK) 41/200
  • D
Aeroflot (via Moscow – SVO) 68/200
  • D
Turkish Airlines (via Istanbul – ISL) 69/200
  • D (800km – 3800km – short & medium haul)
  • E (distances more than 3800km – long haul)
Korean Air

  • (via Seoul – ICN)
  • (via Tokyo/Narita – NRT)
  • D (800km – 3800km – short & medium haul)
  • E (distances more than 3800km – long haul)


  • MIAT (Mongolian Airlines) is not listed
  • SCAT Airlines is not listed
  • The domestic airlines Hunnu Air and AeroMongolia are not listed

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Just call Tuya to arrange +976 88011476.